Friday, December 7, 2007

Tagged I'm it

I have been tagged another meme. As much as it is difficult to do these it's nice to get tagged because it means someone is reading my blog. Yeah.

Seven Random Things Meme from Mrs.WhatsIt

1- Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2- Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

(1) I've had three fathers. My biological one died in a motorcycle accident before I was born, my "dad" since I was 3yrs old died from a heart defect he was born with when I was in 5th grade. My third dad and my mom divorced when I was a sophomore in college. He is however still in my life since he is my sisters biological dad. *sorry to start on a sad note*

(2) I still have a great grandma who is alive (more positive) and knew two other of my great-grandmas. The positive side of so many dads is lots of grandparents.

(3) I've failed one class. It was an undergrad course that happen to be with the professor my now husband did his undergrad thesis with. I went to the professor for help and she told me to do A and B and come back to her office. Every time I went back she wasn't there. She wrote about this in my narrative evaluation. (I went on to ace the class the second time around-with a different professor)

(4) I didn't get grades as an undergrad, we did narrative evaluations.

(5) I started a new women's rugby team, which is now operating decently with out me.

(6) I interviewed on the phone today to teach a course this spring

(7) I had a stuffed bunny that we put out every Easter Eve. This bunny would turn into the easter bunny and hide my eggs for me.

That was fun. I'll tag people later.

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