Friday, January 18, 2008

Concious Stream

I think it's funny that sometimes I'll be thinking about things, life and research and such and I'll start to think about it in the form that I would write it in my blog. Should this be called blog dreaming? Of course by the time I get down to my office to write it, or by the time my internet time is available I've completely forgotten what it was I was going to write.

Hm, something about not getting up early today. It hasn't helped that my husband has been sleeping in as well. And if it's already almost 7am just 10 mins of internet in the morning is not motivation enough to get out of bed.
I've decided that the reason I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning (besides lack of drive) is because it takes me a long time to fall asleep. I've tried stretching, reading and drinking tea all in hopes that falling asleep will take less than 5 mins but nothing has really worked. I've also tried less stimulates during the day, such as no coffee or alcohol. That didn't work either and just made me sad.

So I've decided maybe I can't fall asleep because I'm not tired. I just go to bed when my husband does. This week I think I'll still try to fall asleep when my husband does, so that I can wake up when he does, but if it's not working I'm going to go . . . work. No pleasure reading but actual work. That should make me sleepy.


EcoGeoFemme said...

Yeah, there's no point just laying in bed if you're not ready to sleep. I like to read in bed for a little while, then I'm asleep instantly after I turn off the light. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised to find you get a lot of work done at night.

ruchi said...

If you get a lot of work done at night, then you can sleep in feeling totally comfortable about it!

Some people just have different internal clocks. When I didn't have to be at work at 9, my most productive hours of the day were generally from 11pm to 3am. Dunno why.

Unbalanced Reaction said...

"such as no coffee or alcohol. That didn't work either and just made me sad." I get sad when I don't get caffeine or liquor either. ;)

ScienceGirl said...

I've got a paper to read for tomorrow, and it is making me very sleepy. Perhaps I should send it to you :P But seriously, some not-so-engaged reading does the trick for me on the falling asleep end (still not a big fan of getting up super early though).