Monday, September 8, 2008

Plastic Bags

I just washed about a dozen plastic bags, most have been reused already. There are ziplocks, bags for veggies, bags from bulk spices and bags from bagels. I feel like I'm swimming in bags and I reuse so many!
I was contemplating during the wash cycle today if the water use outweighs the plastic waste. It probably does not but it was a thought going through my head because I really wanted to say, Oh I'm wasting so much water I should just throw this plastic away! That was lazy Jennie. Smart Jennie knows plastic uses too many resources to make and to recycle.
I opt for paper when ever possible and we bring our own grocery bag, and I usually try to use no bags at all. I find it funny that my four potatoes have to share a bag. But some bags can't be avoided, such as the day old bagels we buy from the local bagel shop. 1/2 price! and the fact that grapes and loose leaf lettuce really needs a bag.

So today I've decided to buy a plastic bag drier.
These seem to be the two types.
1 or 2 or woops one more
Number 2 seems pretty neat. Anyone have experience with these or suggestions?


Amanda said...

Well, my mom uses number 1 and she likes it fairly well. But it looks like you could use number 2 for many more things. Let us know which you decide on and what you think about it!

Anonymous said...

What I like to do is shake out my bags really well, then stick them to the side of the refrigerator with a magnet. This works in my house b/c we don't have kids or pets.

Jennie said...

My husband doesn't think that we should spend $15+ on a plastic bag dryer :(
I will try the magnet idea, seems like I should also put a towel next to the fridge where the water will drip?
I also found this site
which is cool but I feel waste some of the metal hanger, shouldn't I be able to get two sticks out of one hanger?

dolly said...

Being a marine life protector I would say, it is a high time to realize why we should not use plastic bags :)