Friday, June 27, 2008

Dr. Jennie

What fun.

My defense talk was around 15 mins. I had timed it at 20 but my normal talking speed exponentially increased. People don't complain about short talks but it would have been nice to include a few slides I left out because my talk was initially 45 mins. 20-30min is a decent length in my department. At my preliminary defense the chair of my committee commended me on my short talk.

A professor came up to me afterwards and said I did a great job explaining everything. He said one always worries about going to a talk that isn't their field and having everything go over their head but my data was well explained. I left out 99% of my methods, which I think it the part that can get confusing, and for my data it wasn't very important how the values were measured.

The closed committee part was great. It was a lot of fun to hear what everyone thought of my work and I feel I had good answers to their questions.

The outside member had a lot of comments that he said may not be necessary for the thesis but will be an issue for publication. In general I need to buff up the conclusion sections of all chapters and better describe the research objectives. I have until Aug. 15th to accomplish this. The final copy will be on a CD and I can directly mail that to the graduate school.

Tonight is a party at my advisers house that pretty much everyone I've talked to can't go to. Fun. Then I fly out early tomorrow and hopefully get on the road west on Monday.

It feels good to have this accomplished although I don't think I'll feel official until I've mailed in the dissertation.


Amanda said...

Congrats, Dr. Jennie! Yay!!

PG said...

YAY! Congratulations. It's always reassuring to read about others' successful defense experiences.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It sounds rather painless. Good for you.

ScienceGirl said...

Dr.Jennie, Congratulations!!! Sometime when everything settles, you should blog about what it's like to be on the other side!

ruchi said...

Congratulations Dr Jennie!!!

Psych Post Doc said...


Mad Hatter said...

Congratulations!!! W00T!!!

EcoGeoFemme said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! Congratulations!

Candid Engineer said...

Congratulations, new doctor. Defense is anti-climatic, no?

Janus Professor said...

Yay! Enjoy the afterglow!

Anonymous said...

congratulations doctor!!!! yay!!