Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I figured I should give excuses for why my word meter hasn't moved since InaDWriMo began for me on Nov 5th, as other's have done.

As I mentioned in my revised goals I have to resubmit a manuscript that I thought would have been finished in "dissertation town."
So I spent this week making more plots, with new data. I am not very happy with these new plots as I feel the contradict our previous results. Argh. So in my meeting with my adviser yesterday we came to the conclusion that the scope of the paper should be changed. This is likely the third time the scope has changed and in reality I've written more than three papers in this one manuscript. So science goes . . . I guess

I spent the other portion of the week trying to find a copy of MatLab that would work with the code written by a co-author. Said co-author was a previous graduate student of my adviser and is now way out of contact. My adviser never ran the model so was no help there.

Today I was able to get the model to run, which is great, but I don't understand the output files. The first couple lines of the file doesn't make sense with the rest of the file and it doesn't seem to be the outcome of the previous iterations. I've sent an e-mail to another previous graduate student who wrote a help file to the model. She works now, at a consulting company, but is easy to get in touch with.

My plan is to put this manuscript on hold until I get in contact with help file previous graduate student. This likely won't be until the week-end.

The rest of the week will be spent making my presentation for the December conference and hopefully writing some of the manuscript which corresponds to the data in the presentation.

wish me luck.

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