Monday, April 27, 2009

Side note

While I appreciate the great job my husband does in cleaning his bathroom (aka the guest bathroom), I am perplexed as to why it takes weeks (yes as in many weeks, almost a month) for him to return the cleaning products from inside the bathtub to their proper location under the kitchen sink. This is very problematic when I come home in a bad mood and want to take a bath. My mood then escalates since the stupid cleaning products are still in the bath. Of course I am not mad at the fact that it takes weeks and many reminders about putting this items away, oh no, the problem is not his inability to finish his chore but my PMS is the problem.



Amanda@Lady Scientist said...

Grrr... that sort of thing drives me up a wall. I get the frustration.

microbiologist xx said...

For me it's the vacuum. He vacuum's and then leaves the vacuum in the room. I don't know if it is supposed to serve as some kind of signal that he did indeed vacuum that room or he was just so tired after running the vacuum that he didn't have the energy to return it to the closet. Sigh.