Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There is a lot to catch up on and little time to do it in.

I need to fill out my absentee ballot and drop it off this week-end at a polling place.

I have two manuscripts to finish by Nov. 4th.

My new jobs is going well. Tracking my hours is going to take some time to get use to. I worked 8.5 hrs on Monday but could only account for 6.5 hours of work. Our work is done in American units!

today is my day off from work .... back to writing


Amanda said...

I'm glad that the job is doing well. But what do you mean by you do work in American units? (Don't most time units = SI units?)

Jennie said...

Oh, woops, I can see how that doesn't make sense now. The last sentence has nothing to do with the previous one, just two random facts about my job.
1) tracking hours is difficult
2) we use feet, inches, ect for our technical data

Anonymous said...

yay on the new job! and good luck with those manuscripts...